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The internal regulations for work in the Department of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine at the University of Assiut

First: The clinical tasks of the Oncology Unit

The outpatient clinics of the department are divided into three units (A, B, and C) and each unit includes the following specialties:

  • Unit A: This unit includes cases of head and neck cancer, digestive and sarcoma cancer (Diet and clinic tumors on Monday and Tuesday of each week.
  • Unit B: Includes breast, chest, central nervous system.
  • Unit C: It includes blood cancer, lymph nodes, reproductive and urinary system, clinic daily.

Each Monday and Thursday of each week, the teaching staff, the consultant colleague, their assistants, and physicians residing in the units are distributed, provided that there are at least two professors, an assistant teacher, and a resident doctor in each group.

The professor is free to choose the group in which he works or move to another unit.

For residents, one year must be spent on each unit before obtaining the degree.

Patients planning before the radiotherapy session and following the day of the clinic.

For the passage and follow-up of patients in the internal department two days per week (after the planning days).

All workers in the unit perform medical supervision of patients, according to the group's specialty, which has the right to prescribe or change treatment and document this in the file for patients, but the patient who is treated at his own expense has the right to medical supervision of the attending physician and without referring to the unit.

The faculty member determines the type of clinic treatment or changes to the treatment protocol, as well as monitoring the progress of work and supervising the assistant teachers and the resident doctors.

The assistant teacher follows up with patients in the clinic and patient planning under the supervision of faculty members.

The resident physician examines new patients and reports cases to faculty or a consultant fellow.

The internal regulations for nuclear medicine work affiliated with the Department of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine at the University of Asyut

First, Clinical tasks:

External calibrations in the nuclear medicine unit are divided into three units which are:

  • Unit 1: Radioactive iodine treatment and cases (thyroid tumors + toxic thyroid conditions)
  • Unit 2: clinic for receiving and making special cases for gamma camera cases.
  • Unit 3: Reception clinic and making files for PET / CT cases.


Camera diaphragms are distributed to the resident physicians, and the resident physician will follow-up to photograph the patient and take the necessary measures, whether with additional images or accompanying CT scans before the patient leaves.


The resident doctor injects the radioactive material with nursing, and that is the job of a doctor who pricks the camera.


  1. The assistant teacher writes PET / CT reports
  2. The assistant teacher teaches the resident doctor the principles of writing PET / CT
  3. The resident doctor writes the gamma cases camera with the supervision of the assistant teacher.
  4. All reports are reviewed by the consultant.