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# Title Department Research Year
Effect of certain organic and inorganic additives on the flocculation of suspensions containing different sulfonamides.

Department of Pharmaceutics 1983
Effect of certain organic and inorganic additives on the flocculation of suspensions containing different sulfonamides.

Department of Pharmaceutics 1983
3563 A pharmacognostical study of Iris germanica L.var.Alba.
PartI:A pharmacognostical study of the rhizome, root and leaves.
Department of Pharmacognosy 1983
Effect of certain organic and inorganic additives on the flocculation of suspensions containing different sulfonamides.

Department of Industrial Pharmacy 1983
3565 A contribution to the chemistry of Sterculia diversifolia Don. Cultivated in Egypt. Department of Pharmacognosy 1983
3566 A pharmacognostical study of Iris germanica L.var.Alba.
PartI:A pharmacognostical study of the rhizome, root and leaves.
Department of Pharmacognosy 1983
3567 The Interaction of Nicotinamide with Paracetamol and the Influence of the Complexation on the Bioavailability of Paracetamol. Department of Pharmaceutics 1983
3568 A contribution to the chemistry of Sterculia diversifolia Don. Cultivated in Egypt. Department of Pharmacognosy 1983
3569 Three Isoflavonoids from Iris germanica Department of Pharmacognosy 1983
3570 A pharmacognostical study of Iris germanica L.var.Alba.
PartI:A pharmacognostical study of the rhizome, root and leaves.
Department of Pharmacognosy 1983