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Department of Pharmacognosy

The department hopes to always achieve excellence in its academic and research programs in Pharmacognosy through collaboration not only with local institutions but also with international entities.

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# Title Research Year
1 Light microscopical and parasitological analyses revealed the beneficial effects of silver nanoparticles and various myrrh extracts against Trichinella spiralis infection in mice 2024
2 Thunbergiside A: An unprecedented neolignan isolated from Gardenia thunbergia L. f. and the antifungal activity of selected phytochemicals 2024
3 Cytotoxic flavone-C-glycosides from the leaves of Dypsis pembana (H.E.Moore) Beentje & J.Dransf., Arecaceae: in vitro and molecular docking studies 2023
4 Naturally occurring phenylethanoids and phenylpropanoids: antimalarial potential 2023
5 The effect of Essential oils of selected plants on clinical isolates of Candida Species growth, transition and biofilm formation 2023
6 Exploring the efficacy of various wheat bran extracts in promoting burn wound healing: A comparative analysis 2023
7 Phytochemical profiling of three Amaranthus species using LC-MS/MS metabolomic approach and chemometric tools 2023
8 Phytochemical investigation, molecular docking studies and DFT calculations on the antidiabetic and cytotoxic activities of Gmelina philippensis CHAM 2023
9 Phytoconstituent Isolation and Cytotoxicity Evaluation of the Egyptian Cassia occidentalis L. Possessing Selective Activity against Lung Carcinoma 2023
10 Phytochemical Investigation, In silico/In vivo Analgesic, and Anti-inflammatory Assessment of the Egyptian Cassia occidentalis L. 2023