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# Title Department Research Year
3291 Does a diabetic retinopathy educational program raise awareness among elderly diabetic patients? Department of Gerontological
3292 Effect of Rehabilitation Program on Quality of Life & Coping Strategies among Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis at Assiut University Hospital Department of Psychiatric
3293 Effect of Educational Program forNurses Performance Regarding Infection Control Precautions, toward patient on Mechanical Ventilation. Department of critical care
3294 Effect of Implementing Nursing Educational Program on Re-admission for Patients with Heart Failure Department of medical-surgical
3295 Effectiveness of Music Therapy on the Depression levels among Elderly at Assiut Geriatric Clubs Department of Gerontological
3296 Effect of eye masks on pain and sleep quality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A randomized controlled trial Department of critical care
3297 Identifying the effect of a Basic life Support teaching Program on nurses’ Knowledge and skills at Emergency care unit Department of critical care
3298 The Effect of Assertiveness Training Program on Psychiatric Nurse`s Communication Skills and Self- Esteem Department of Psychiatric
3299 Impact of an educational program on knowledge and self-concept of institutionalized adolescents with conduct disorder Department of Psychiatric
3300 Effect of a portable computer-based educational intervention video on the outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention Department of critical care