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# Title Department Research Year
3271 Association between Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies among Nurses in Intensive Care Units Department of Psychiatric
3272 Cognitive behavioral remediation program for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Department of Psychiatric
3273 Effect of Nursing Guidelines in Clinical Outcomes for Haematemesis Patients on Intensive Care Unit at Alrajhy Liver Hospital Department of critical care
3274 Conflict Effect and Resolution Levels among Academic Teaching Staff and Their Assistant at Faculties of Nursing Department of Nursing Administration
3275 Respiratory Acid-Base Disorders and Related Risk Factors in Critically Ill Patients Department of critical care
3276 Does a diabetic retinopathy educational program raise awareness among elderly diabetic patients? Department of Gerontological
3277 Depressive phenomena and physical symptom distress among women with breast cancer and their impact on women's quality of life Department of Psychiatric
3278 Identifying the effect of a Basic life Support teaching Program on nurses’ Knowledge and skills at Emergency care unit Department of critical care
3279 Effect of physical activities program on stress level among elderly women Department of Gerontological
3280 The Effect of Physical Exercise as A Nursing Intervention on Management of Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenic Patients" Department of Psychiatric