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Effect of Self-efficacy Educational Program on Head Nurse's Performance.

Research Authors
Seham Mohamed Abd Elhamed(1)Sahar Mohamed Morsy(2) and Amal Sayed Mohamed(3)26
Research Date
Research Publisher
seham mohamed
Research Rank
Research Vol
Research Year
Research Abstract

Background: Self-efficacy is directly changeable, can predicts improvement in head nurse's performance. Aim: Determine the effect of self-efficacy educational program on head nurse's performance. Study design: A quasi-experimental design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at Assiut University Main Hospital. Subject: Consisted of 44 head nurses.  Tools: three tools were used to collect data: First tool; Self-administered questionnaire sheet including:-a): Personal data sheet; gathers data about: gender, age, years of experience, educational qualifications, and marital status, and b): Self – efficacy assessment scale. Second tool; Performance checklist, and third tool; Program evaluation sheet including a): Head nurse's knowledge test. b): Head nurse's opinionnier sheet.  Results: The study revealed that head nurses had unsatisfactory knowledge level about self-efficacy in preprogram assessment but satisfactory in immediately post and follow up phase of the program implementation (90.9%, and 81.8%) respectively. The highest percentages of head nurses have low self-efficacy in preprogram assessment(81.8%), but high self-efficacy in immediate post and follow up phase(86.3%, 81.8%) respectively. Conclusion: There was positive correlation between self-efficacy and total performance categories with statistical significant relation. Recommendations: Further training for physicians, nurses and nursing administrators and update faculty curriculum to include self-efficacy in the undergraduate courses.